Monday 31 December 2012

The route...

      The both of us not being great planners, the plan of the road trip was not well defined at the start. We had just decided to go where our hearts took us to. However, as per our previous plans we had thought of first visiting the Gokarna beach in North Karnataka.
    The trip started near a place just north of Mumbai, where the car was located. Then it continued on to Pune to pick up the second member of the duo. From there on the map below gives an approximate idea of how the trip proceeded. From Pune, the first halt was at Gokarna Beach. The next day involved visits to a couple of beaches nearby. The following day we visited the majestic Jog falls. The day after the impregnable fort at Chitradurg welcomed us and we proceeded to the ancient town of Hampi. From there on we returned to Maharashtra to the coastal town of Ratnagiri. The next day we returned to Pune and then finally back to Mumbai.
    The journey lasted around 2400 kms in all and was one heck of a ride.

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